Sant' Eufemia Church

The church, designed by Cristoforo Malagola, “il Galaverna”, was built in 1650 and is what remains today of the medieval monastery of S. Eufemia.
{"lat": 44.6470204, "lng": 10.923813800000001, "description": "Largo Sant'Eufemia, 41121, Modena, Modena"}
{"028ae4f6-0e85-4ae1-ba23-58f922f5eeb4": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [{"length": 48, "offset": 0, "style": "BOLD"}], "key": "1p5ur", "text": " Ownership: Confraternita di San Pietro Martire ", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "09775f00-691d-4a68-8967-8b6e59eede03": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "7hbhn", "text": "The church opens on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. It opens on Wednesday and Thursday from 8.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm. It opens on Sunday just in the afternoon from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Holy Messes: every day from Monday to Friday 5.00 pm. On Saturday and Sunday at 5.00 pm.", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "35b2d330-fbdb-428e-a173-4c55031af26f": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "72oa2", "text": "The church is managed by the Congregation of the Figlie del Sacratissimo Cuore di Gesu'.", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "54bfc25f-2924-4d16-bf08-0bc022ad17ab": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "2epbv", "text": "Its fa\u00e7ade is rather simple: two windows, one square and the other round, are set above the main entrance door and allow light into the church.\nThe interior is octagonal with unequal sides.\nThe presbytery, situated at the opposite side of the entrance, houses a painting of the '600 of the Piet\u00e0, and a sculpture of the \"Addolorata (Our Lady of Sorrows)\" dressed with rich drapes and whose head was attributed to Begarelli.", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "6e65dbac-2f95-4785-9491-18bfde630035": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"data": {}, "depth": 0, "entityRanges": [], "inlineStyleRanges": [], "key": "bknne", "text": "Closed in 1798, it was officiated again in 1832 by the Confraternity of Saint Peter Martyr which saw to its restoration. Following Napoleonic measures, the extremely vast monastic building was home to various institutions, such as prisons, the Carabinieri Headquarters and the University.", "type": "unstyled"}], "entityMap": {}}}, "8eca5c5f-ab44-4a8b-8cba-b67d777daf04": {"@type": "title"}, "fe39f91d-51d5-4ba6-9d94-1514ff7d3764": {"@type": "titleVM", "align": "left", "title": "Opening hours"}, "0216cd78-9d9d-46e3-ad87-2b4757929209": {"@type": "titleVM", "title": " Tickets and admission ", "align": "left"}, "12b69cce-33de-4d5a-a9f8-fb98a3b04a47": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "c9kca", "text": "Free entrance.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}}
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