Acetaia Comunale di Castelvetro

+ 39(0)59/758880
Castelvetro di Modena
{"description": "Via Cavedoni, Castelvetro di Modena, MO, Italia", "lat": 44.5027966, "lng": 10.9432964}
{"378f47b9-8da3-4bb4-a1e3-c3e6a6fa5a5c": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "ca55d", "text": "The Municipal Vinegar Cellar of Castelvetro was founded in 2002 and is managed by the Master Tasters from the local community of the Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar based in Spilamberto. The development project was then refined by the Municipality of Castelvetro di Modena to enhance and promote the production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, the identity and heritage of the local culture.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}, {"key": "5v0kc", "text": "As you go through the door, you are welcomed with the aroma of vinegar that is fermenting and ageing in \"vasselli\" (barrels). Traditional balsamic vinegar needs an adequate climate for it to ferment, transforming over the years into the product of excellence acknowledged with the PDO mark.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}, "b36093ad-5902-4aa6-b436-85d67e4d74ed": {"@type": "title"}, "2098edd1-1020-4ca5-91a9-534fbd42cd60": {"@type": "titleVM", "title": "Opening hours", "align": "left"}, "4709e653-25da-4776-8c83-d7de3ee24aed": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "bq6gb", "text": "It can be visited on the last Sunday of the months of April and October - March and October 3.00 to 6.00 pm, from April to September 4.00 to 7.00 pm.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}, "a2937412-43a5-4355-b024-bc358d5e69da": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "ek3rh", "text": "In particular, the Municipal Vinegar Cellar of Castelvetro has two sets of seven barrels each. For reasons strictly related to the production, the barrels have different sizes and are made with various types of wood as oak, chestnut, ash, acacia and cherry ", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}, "3eca4179-017e-44df-b4b1-366f46ee5456": {"@type": "titleVM", "title": "Tickets and admission", "align": "left"}, "22f4c796-f860-4769-82b4-cc0ecdc0740d": {"@type": "text", "text": {"blocks": [{"key": "1bu5e", "text": "Free offer - To book guided visits outside opening hours in any period of the year. Price: \u20ac 2.", "type": "unstyled", "depth": 0, "inlineStyleRanges": [], "entityRanges": [], "data": {}}], "entityMap": {}}}}
{"items": ["b36093ad-5902-4aa6-b436-85d67e4d74ed", "378f47b9-8da3-4bb4-a1e3-c3e6a6fa5a5c", "a2937412-43a5-4355-b024-bc358d5e69da", "2098edd1-1020-4ca5-91a9-534fbd42cd60", "4709e653-25da-4776-8c83-d7de3ee24aed", "3eca4179-017e-44df-b4b1-366f46ee5456", "22f4c796-f860-4769-82b4-cc0ecdc0740d"]}

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