"Non solo Canada e Giappone. Il fenomeno del foliage può essere ammirato anche in alcune delle nostre amate regioni italiane. Scoprite con noi i migliori luoghi dove vedere il foliage in Italia e lasciatevi scaldare dai colori dell'autunno!" 16/10/2020 di Cristina Grifoni
Articolo di Lisa Cova su D di Repubblica
Non solo aceto balsamico, motori e bel canto: la città ha mille segreti e un falchetto pellegrino a custodirli sulla Ghirlandina. Dici Modena e pensi a una girandola di eccellenze. Come l'aceto balsamico e il buon cibo proposto da chef stellati e appassionati come Massimo Bottura e Luca Marchini. E poi i motori da leggenda (per il suo museo Ferrari). E ancora, il bel canto (è la città natale di Luciano Pavarotti). Sono questi i suoi grandi tesori. Con tutto il loro valore che li segue, e oltrepassa i confini nazionali.
Non solo terra di motori roboanti, aceto balsamico, ottimo cibo e calorosa ospitalità. Modena è soprattutto una bellissima città d’arte, con piazza Grande, il Duomo e la torre “Ghirlandina” patrimonio Unesco dal 1997, e culla di grandi eventi culturali che tornano ogni anno.
Questo giugno per molti di noi ha il profumo di una ripartenza e così, siamo salite in auto, e abbiamo fatto quello che ci è mancato di più in questi mesi chiuse in casa: andare a caccia di street art. Come destinazione abbiamo scelto una città a due passi da Reggio Emilia che però non conosciamo così bene: sei pronto per scoprire insieme a noi la street art a Modena? Spostandoci in varie zone della città, dal centro alla prima periferia, abbiamo visto opere di alcuni dei più famosi artisti italiani come Blu, Ericailcane, Ozmo e molti altri, che sono stati invitati a lasciare il loro segno durante il festival Icone, conclusosi ormai alcuni anni fa.
Wondering what and where to eat in Modena Italy? Although the Emilia-Romagna city is famous for being the home of Ferrari and Maserati, food travelers will find plenty of great food in Modena. Whether you want to eat pasta or pizza during your visit, check out our favorite Modena restaurants, cafes and bars.
If you’re looking for experiences related to food, art, and cars in one city; then Modena is the right fit for you. The hometown of Luciano Pavarotti and Enzo Ferrari lies not far from Bologna in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. Its small alleys and beautiful old buildings make it a good destination for a day or weekend away. Don't know where to go? Don't worry! I put together a list of things to do in Modena just for you.
If you're a fan of fast cars, you might know that Modena is the home of the Ferrari factory, but this history city has so much more going on. If you're a foodie with a hankering for traditional Italian fare, you can visit the Balsamico Village, which Lintz suggests, where you'll find traditional vinegar producers, can also head to Parma to try the prosciutto, which Lintz assures is delicious. You'll never run out of markets and cathedrals to visit, and at only about 90 miles from Florence, this haven is easy to find.
Chef Massimo Bottura helped catapult northern Italy’s Modena to worldwide gastronomic glory when he opened his Osteria Francescana in 1995, showcasing his avant-garde take on traditional Italian cuisine. But even before Bottura came along, Modena was a culinary center that created Parmigiano-Reggiano, tortellini pasta, balsamic vinegar, sparkling red Lambrusco wine and more. To find out what to see, do and, of course, eat in the Emilia-Romagna region, Forbes Travel Guide turned to Modena-born and -raised Bottura.
Emilia-Romagna: Tal der TempelDie norditalienische Region Emilia-Romagna lädt ein zum Fest für alle Sinne kulinarischer, kultureller und automobiler Natur – im Umkreis von Sant’ Agata, Modena, Parma, Maranello und Bologna. Spektakulär und exklusiv sind alle Paganis. Im Museum in Modena sind auch Prototypen und Einzelstücke zu sehen.
Fast cars! People, O.K. most people like fast cars. I don’t want to own a fast expensive car, but I love to see them and hear them. It’s why if I’m in Houston on the first Saturday of the month, I try to make it to Houston Coffee and Cars, a display of all kinds of cars, mostly the fancy ones. So of course I was thrilled when The Emilia-Romagna Tourist Board invited me to visit the Motor Valley in Italy.
While there are many places around Italy where you can have a memorable Ferrari Driving Experience, from renting a coveted sports car by yourself and driving along the Amalfi Coast to sitting alongside a professional driver while he whisks you around one of Italy’s famous race tracks, nothing beats a Ferrari Test Drive in Modena – the home of Ferrari and where the incredible Enzo Ferrari Museum is located.
Nuestro viaje a Módena, en la región italiana de Emilia-Romagna, o Emilia-Romaña en castellano, dio bastante de sí. Después de hablar en detalle de alguna experiencia en la ciudad, aquí están las 10 cosas que ver y hacer en Módena, ¡no te pierdas ni una! Es prácticamente imposible visitarlas todas en un día pero… la ciudad te enamorará lo bastante como para quedarte a dormir en tu viaje a Italia.
I had fallen in love with Modena even before I saw it in full color. It was while sitting on my couch in San Diego, watching the mesmerizing black and white episode of Master of None Season II. I forgot about it for a couple years however, until I planned my last minute Emilia-Romagna trip. A stroke of luck that gave me a chance to fall in love with Modena in dreamy pastels!
Modena is one of those Italian cities you’ve often heard about but never considered visiting. But you’d be gravely mistaken to overlook this little jewel in the gastro-centric Emilia Romagna region.
If there was one city that we absolutely fell in love with during our time in Italy, it was undoubtedly Modena.
For us, it is hard to create a Modena travel guide that is not thousands and thousands of words long. After all, it’s one of our favorite cities in Italy, and one that is often overlooked by travelers.
Northern Italy is packed with cities that deserve a visit. Modena however, is the one that needs to sit firmly towards the top for those with a real love of Italian food. In the beating heart of Italian food culture, an unforgettable day trip awaits. Read on for our guide on how to spend a day in Modena