Who we are
Visitmodena.it is the official tourist information site owned by the Comune di Modena (The City of Modena)
The contents of this site are managed by the Tourism and Promotion Service of the City of Modena and by Modenatur, operator of the Tourist Services and Information Office of the City of Modena. Modenatur was selected for this role though a public-bidding process in compliance with current law governing travel agencies and tourist-services providers (Modenatur S.c.a.r.l., Partita IVA 02374350367, Modena Provincial Authorization No. 92, issued 12 October 1998, Professional Civil Liability Insurance Policy UNIPOL SAI ASSICURAZIONI No. 1/2296/319/107177501).
VisitModena.it provides information regarding the City of Modena and the surrounding area and facilitates the promotion and marketing of tourist services
The website complies with the principles of article 97 of the Constitution and article 1 of law 241/2001, granting impartiality and transparency.
"Experiences" section on Visitmodena.it
The VisitModena.it site provides access to an external platform on which tours, tourist services, and tickets are sold. This platform is managed by Modenatur, operator of the Tourist Services and Information Office of the City of Modena and coordinator/manager for the sale and/or organization of tourist services. Links to the online reservation service may be found in thematic menus or in descriptions of activities, events, or excursions and can be recognized by a button or link marked “Make a Reservation Online.” Orders, reservations, and purchases of services on the platform are carried out in accordance with the General Conditions of Sales of Tourist Service Packages, and also with specific additional conditions related to the activity or event; these conditions are specified on the reservation form, and the user is required to read and accept them before reserving, ordering, or purchasing any tourist service through this platform.
Visitmodena.it is part of the Tourist Information System of the Emilia-Romagna Region (SITUR) which has its main access point in the Emilia Romagna Tourism portal which groups together all the institutions and subjects involved in organizing and promoting tourist information, at all levels, offering tourists, operators and citizens an information service on the vast overview of opportunities, places and events in the region.
The Municipality of Modena has the role of "local team" for SITUR and deals with the territories of: Modena, Bastiglia, Bomporto, Campogalliano, Castelnuovo Rangone, Castelvetro, Cavezzo, Camposanto, Castelfranco Emilia, Concordia, Finale Emilia, Carpi, Fiorano, Formigine, Maranello, Medolla, Mirandola, Nonantola, Novi, Ravarino, San Cesario, San Felice, San Possidonio, San Prospero, Sassuolo, Soliera, Spilamberto, Vignola.
Visitmodena.it team also collaborates with the tourist office network of the Province of Modena and with www.inappenninomodenese.it in charge of the Apennines.
- Giovanni Bertugli - Servizio Turismo e promozione della città - Manager giovanni.bertugli@comune.modena.it
- Francesca Soffici - Modenatur - Tourist office coordinator - fsoffici@modenatur.it
Editorial team:
Comune di Modena: Servizio Promozione della città e turismo
- Paola Bonetti
- Francesca Soffici
- Roberta Zanna
Stefania Fregni
RedTurtle Technology
- Arancho S.r.L di Mirandola (Mo)
- Studio Centro Personale e Traduzioni (Vicenza)
- Provenwrite
- Modenatur
- Bruno Marchetti - Ufficio Stampa Comune di Modena
- Giovanni Tagini - Archivio Circuito Città d'Arte Pianura Padana
- Paolo Borghi (Consorzio In&Co)
- Fabrizio Annovi
- Andrea Rosti
- Enrico Ballestrazzi
- Laura Ascari
- Stefano Martelli
- Archivio fotografico provincia di Modena
- Nacchio Brothers
- Archivio Modenatur
- Francesca Soffici
- Luca Sandri
- Francesca Piccinini
- Giorgio Cervetti
- G.Martinez
- Pedro Grifol
- Stefania Fregni
- Immagini fornite da musei e monumenti
- Archivio Collezione Marri
- Archivio Museo Civico Archeologico A. C. Simonini
- Archivio fotografico del Museo Civico d'Arte (foto Paolo Pugnaghi, Paolo Terzi
- Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo - Archivio di Stato di Modena
- Ivano Perini
- Daniela Ori
Contents for this website have been elaborated by the editorial team and by various authors including Paola Bonetti, Daniela Ori, Francesca Soffici, Roberta Zanna, Stefania Fregni. The site also contains content taken from the "Visitmodena - Transromanica" project edited by Graziella Martinelli Braglia, Stefania Severi, Antonella Tricoli, from the tourism portal of the Province of Modena and linked sites, from sites of museums and monuments. The tourist offices of the province of Modena also collaborated in the production of texts.
Any omissions of credit quotes for texts or photos are unintentional. Authors that were not mentioned are invited to contact us at info@visitmodena.it to request their inclusion. The images may be protected by copyright, it's forbidden to reproduce them without authorization.